What we do

CAPDA is a development organisation so our focus is on building the capacity of individuals and organisational partners in Tanzania. Our goal is to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities in Moshi, a semi-rural town at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro, and in Dar es Salaam.

CAPDA’s most important role is to improve outcomes for children with disabilities through better interventions and standard of care. This includes:

  • training for therapists and community health workers in the disability sector;
  • education to develop skills of carers (often mothers) of children with disabilities;
  • organisational assistance to build the capacity of our partner organisations;
  • provision of mobility and treatment aids such as walkers and wheelchairs;
  • community projects to provide opportunities for young people living with disabilities;
  • funding live-in workshops for caregivers and their children with disabilities, providing medical assessment and therapeutic interventions;
  • funding rehabilitation services for children and adults in the community.

Wherever possible we employ local tradespeople, artisans and workers. Every investment in the local community makes a tangible difference.